Pure Golden Wellness

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How To Stay Healthy At Work Even When You Work Long Hours

Work. We need it to survive. Yet at times, it seems as if it’s the one thing putting our health at risk.

We work longer hours. Vacations are at an all-time low. Even when we go home for the evening, we’re rarely away from the office. When was the last time you checked email before you went to bed?

All of that working isn’t healthy for you. Lack of movement and exercise, and a greater chance of eating too much of the wrong stuff all put you at risk. But what can you do about it?

Notice your eating habits

When you sit at a desk all day, it’s easy to nibble on things without realizing how much food you’re taking in. If you have a kitchen in your office, leave all food in the cupboards or fridge. Make yourself get up every time you have the desire for a snack. This will make you more aware of what you consume during the day.

Swap bad foods for good foods

A lot of offices supply certain snack foods for their employees. Can you swap out some of the bad foods for better snacks? Instead of cookies and crackers, replace it with fruit and trail mix. If you bring in your own, bring in hummus with veggie sticks. While you may still snack from time to time, it’ll be healthier and have less fat than highly processed foods.

Rethink office culture

Does your office make a habit of celebrating birthdays with cake? Or do they head out to lunch on a regular basis? Consider changing your celebrations. Instead of every birthday, how about once a month? Instead of fast food, how about finding healthier options for lunch? At any given time, most people are interested in improving their health. It all takes one person to make the change.

Move more

Take a look at how much you move throughout the day. Can you bike or walk to work? Or at the very least, park at the far side of the parking lot to get more steps in? On nice days, how about taking a walk at lunch? If you need inspiration, look for an office buddy who will walk with you. It may be the perfect way to get to know someone more and find a new friend.

Physical activity doesn’t have to be strenuous to count. Just five to ten minutes at a time adds up over the day. Get up at least once an hour and walk around. Consider getting a standing or walking desk if you’re able.

Change one thing at a time and notice how quickly you start to feel better.

What do you do to stay active at work?