Pure Golden Wellness

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It’s Time To Slow Down and Enjoy Life

If you look back over the past one hundred years, every modern-day convenience was designed to make our lives easier. The washing machine would take hours out of a weekly schedule; automation would require far less home maintenance work. But alas, that’s never been the case. With every moment we gain, we attempt to fill it with twice as much stuff. To the point where we feel fatigued and stressed from every moment we try and fill up.

Slow down? It sounds like a dream. Enjoy life? Yes, please. If it were only that simple to do.

Yet it is. Slowing down means consciously slowing your life. It’s not always easy, but it’s possible. Here’s how.


Start by disconnecting throughout the day. That doesn’t mean you should put your phone down if your boss needs to get a hold of you. But you can make a conscious effort to make time for what’s important. Gather up cell phones before dinner and place them all in the next room. Spend an hour connecting with your family and talking about your day. Don’t bring your phone with you when you head out for a walk. Grab your spouse’s hand instead and enjoy the peace and quiet of nature and good conversation.

Be Present

Have you ever noticed how texting commands your attention? If you’re talking with someone and you hear the familiar ding, do you automatically look down? It’s distracting. And it can make the other person feel like they aren’t as important. When you’re with someone, be present. When you’re working on a project, give it your full attention. Focus on what’s most important in the moment; the rest will be there when you have the time.

Focus On People

Have you ever watched two people have dinner … and neither of them can pull away from their phones? We say we listen, but do we? Devices distract. And none of us are immune. There are many moments in our lives where we are alone and focusing in on what’s online is okay. But when you spend a few moments with a colleague, a parent, a spouse, or a child, put your focus on everything they say.

Be Slower

Do you eat in a hurry to get to the next activity? Do you drive faster because you’re late? Do you find yourself always racing against the clock? It’s not the clock that’s problematic. It’s trying to stuff too many things into the time you have. Slow down. Give more time to what’s important. Make the time to sit down for a meal. Give yourself plenty of time to get to your next event. And if you arrive a few minutes early, use the time to continue to destress.

Look For Pleasure

As you continue to work on being present in everything you do, look for the beauty in every activity. Make everything an enjoyable task instead of a dreaded to-do. You can enjoy doing the dishes more if you focus in on the bubbles. Or get your spouse or child to give you a hand and enjoy the conversation. This applies to every moment of the day. Slowing down gives you the chance to view every activity for what it is. It allows you to enjoy the sensations of being in the now.

What do you do to slow down?