Pure Golden Wellness

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Weight Loss Myths You May Have Fallen For

Have you fallen for the latest diet? Have you given the Grapefruit Diet, the Alkaline Diet, or the Tapeworm Diet a try?

While they might sound good on the pages of a magazine, in truth they are anything but safe. You might lose weight in the short run, but in the long term you’ll lose a lot more: your health.

Have you fallen for one of these myths:

Myth 1: Avoiding Carbs

Carbohydrates are a healthy part of any diet. Carbohydrate-rich foods include vegetables, beans, fruits, and whole grains, and are the foundation of healthy eating.

Myth 2: Skip Meals

Some diets will have you skip meals in order to reduce the amount of food you take in. This doesn’t lead to weight loss as much as it leads to feeling hungry all day. When you’re hungry, you’re more irritable and aren’t at peak performance. Skipping meals slows you down. Never skip meals; instead, change up your eating patterns.

Myth 3: Counting Calories

Counting calories emphasizes the wrong part of eating. You’ll be so obsessed with sticking to a number that the quality of the food you take in can wane. Instead, look at calories as fuel - you need fuel to perform at your best. Look for nutrient-dense foods instead of foods that hinder your body’s performance.

Myth 4: Going Gluten-Free

Gluten-free is the new buzzword in the food industry, and many people are trying to live a gluten-free lifestyle. But gluten has its advantages. Many gluten-free commercial products are higher in calories and lower in fiber - not something the average person needs. If you’re doing it for medical reasons, work with your doctor on making sure you get the right intake of nutrient-dense foods. If not, be careful about avoiding gluten altogether.

Myth 5: Avoiding Good Tasting Foods

The most common myth is that good for you foods have no flavor. What they’re really missing is the fact that it’s easy to make good for you foods taste wonderful if you put in the effort. When your taste buds learn to appreciate the flavor of real foods, nothing will taste better.

The only way to stay healthy is to take in a healthy diet. What are you doing to clean up your diet?