Pure Golden Wellness

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What Are The Benefits Of Lemon Water

It’s hard to ignore the newest health trends as they make their way through our society. Celebrities jump on the bandwagon, and suddenly it seems as if “everyone” is doing it. But that doesn’t necessarily make it good advice.

Take the current lemon water trend. Adding a lemon wedge to your water every morning is supposed to provide you with a wealth of health benefits. But does it really?

A cup of warm lemon water first thing in the morning is a great way to rehydrate your body. Adding a warm cup of lemon water throughout the day is a great way to avoid eating snacks. It’s also a great thing to add after a workout because it has the ability to rehydrate you.

Just don’t believe some of the myths.

Lemon water will heal you if you’re sick

Lemons are high in vitamin C. But the amount of vitamin C you’ll consume with your daily routine of lemon water isn’t enough to do much to your immune system. If you feel like you’re coming down with something, you’re better off taking a 1,000 mg supplement, which will put higher doses of vitamin C into your bloodstream.

Lemon water balances your body’s pH

A lot of celebrity diet gurus will tell you including alkaline foods help counter the acidic foods in our standard diets. Though lemons are an alkalizing food, drinking warm lemon water will not significantly change your body’s pH. A plant-based diet is highly beneficial, and adding lemon water is a great way to stay hydrated. But don’t be fooled into thinking a cup of lemon water will do that much for your body’s pH.

Lemon water helps you lose weight

As a whole, lemon water won’t do anything to aid in weight loss. But if you do drink a cup of lemon water before you eat, there is evidence showing that it helps fill you up. If you feel fuller, you won’t eat as much at a meal, which in turn helps you lose weight.

Lemon water helps with digestion

Drinking lemon water helps with hydration. And when you’re fully hydrated, your digestive system helps your body work properly and stay healthy. But there is little evidence that shows that lemon water is any different from plain water. If it tastes better and you drink more, than by all means do it. But if you have digestive problems, you’re better off working with your doctor.

Should you be drinking lemon water every day? The kicker is with staying hydrated. If adding a lemon helps you drink more water, than by all means add lemon. It can be a great addition to your day.