Pure Golden Wellness

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Change Your Friends, Change Your Body Image

Who do you hang out with? What do your friends like to talk about?

If dieting and body image are part of the conversation, you may be more critical of your own body shape. A new study suggests that hanging around people that aren’t preoccupied with their own body image increases your own self-worth. It makes you feel better about who you are, and that feeling carries over for several hours to several days.

Instead of focusing in on the size or shape of your body, how much food you take in, what kind of foods you eat, or your calorie count throughout each meal, positive mental comes from talking positively about who you are. Of course, we all have our share of insecurities. Positive body image isn’t created overnight. But words do matter. And if you talk more kindly about who you are, the feelings can easily be shared with your friends too.

How do you move forward on a body-positive journey?

Slow down and enjoy mealtime

There is a direct correlation between the speed you eat your meals at and how you view your body. If you find yourself hitting the drive-thru more often than not, it’s time to slow down. Get up ten minutes earlier and fix a nutritious meal to share breakfast with your family. Invite friends to meet you at a local restaurant for lunch, or even brown bag at a local park. This can give you the opportunity to walk afterward. Plan mindful dinners where the focus is on eating clean, healthy food. Share talk about your day, not about how many calories you’re consuming.

Move your body every day

Body-positive people will find things they love to do instead of filling the schedule with things they “have to” or “should” do. If you love dancing, sign up for a dancing class. Run, hike, ski, surf, or plan evening walks with the one you love. Turn off the television and find ways to explore your mind, body, and spirit a little bit more.

Pamper your body

You know how you feel when you get a really great haircut? Or you find the perfect dress? Bring more of that into your life. And be aware, it doesn't have to cost a lot of money. If you enjoy bathing, buy a candle and essential oils to make it more pleasurable. Don’t focus on finding the time to get one more thing done; instead, put time for you into your schedule. Even if it’s just sitting down with a good book, rest and relaxation is something you deserve.

Find a few new friends

While it’s never easy to say goodbye to old friends, if you’re trying to make a change in your life, the easiest way is to hang around people you want to be like. Find friends that believe in positive body image too. You are like the five people you spend the most time with, so select those five people carefully.