Pure Golden Wellness

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Why AI Is Becoming A Bigger Part Of Wellness

The concept of artificial intelligence has been around for decades. Remember the Terminator franchise? That movie showed the more sinister side of what AI could look like if we aren’t careful with building and planning.

But AI hasn’t integrated into our lives with just the bad characteristics; today we have more productive lives thanks to what artificial intelligence has brought to the table.

Do you rely on traffic alerts as you’re getting ready to leave work for the day? Have you altered your drive home based on those alerts? That’s AI at its finest.

Try and live without your smartphone. Whatever you wish to do, there’s an app for that. And that wouldn’t be possible without the help of artificial intelligence.

AI is coming on full speed. And though science fiction and horror movies love to show the bad side, the good side is so much more appealing. There are so many good changes coming our way.

Like in making wellness a bigger part of your life.

Do you have a Fitbit or an iWatch attached to your wrist? Thank AI for that technology.

You can use your personal assistant to track all of the things you do each day. Like how many steps you take. Your heart rate. Your sleep patterns.

Knowing your numbers can help you see patterns and trends. It can make you more aware, more conscious of the things you should be doing in your life. But in the future, it will be able to do even more. It will be able to tailor fitness routines just for you.

And it won’t just be about refining your fitness routine. Even your recovery process will be amplified with AI. Upgrade Labs is one example of a company already in the process of helping people recover and improve performance, both mentally and physically.

Tools and resources attached to AI will be incorporated throughout your home and office, all designed to make your days as efficient as they can be. We know blue light from computer screens can impact your biorhythms, so things like Eye Just will help take that away. Lighting matters; why not have a light bulb that adjusts to help you not only work better, but to sleep better too?

All of this and more is coming our way. AI doesn’t have to scary or sinister. AI can help you be the best you can be.