Pure Golden Wellness

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Yes, You Can Give Your Mind A Boost With Exercise

Exercise does a lot for you. But you probably already know that. Maybe you exercise to stay in shape. Or exercise to lose weight. Or exercise to keep feeling your best.

But did you know that exercise can boost your brain power too?

Every time you work out, your body releases chemicals in your brain called endorphins. These feel-good chemicals are then released throughout your body to help you throughout your day. Every time you exercise, you give yourself a boost in mental health benefits.

Exercise pushes aside negativity

Have you ever noticed that your bad mood goes away when you exercise? Exercise activates the ventral prefrontal cortex, the part of your brain you use for emotional processing. When this area is activated, you are able to regulate your emotions better, which means you can push aside the blues a little easier too.

Exercise reduces anxiety

Negativity and anxiety go hand in hand. Exercise releases endorphins - the feel-good chemicals that reduce negative emotions and increase positive ones. As these are produced, it reduces the stress and tension you feel after a busy day. You can feel the stress and anxiety slip away as you work up a sweat and let it all out.

Exercise improves body image

As you continue to work out, you get a better feel for what your body can do. You become more comfortable in your own skin. And that means you become more satisfied with your body image. It can help improve self confidence too.

Exercise Improves brain function

As you exercise, you boost the part of your brain called the hippocampus, when helps you remember old memories and store new ones. It can sharpen your awareness, help you remember more details, and give you the added benefit of giving you more energy to take on new projects.

Exercise may give you stronger romantic relationships

When you keep exercising on a regular basis, you feel better about yourself. And when you feel better about the way you look and feel, you naturally want to share that with someone as well. People that exercise more often say they have greater desire, arousal, and satisfaction in every area of their lives, including their significant relationships. It’s a perfect way to build a bond with the one you love.

Whatever your reason to start moving and build in a regular exercise routine into your days, do it today. You’ll feel better in the process and boost your brain power too. Get moving!