Maintaining Your Weight For Life

When you’re young and active, focusing on your weight isn’t much of a challenge. When you’re burning a lot of calories each day, you don’t spend a lot of time thinking about your choices.

But aging changes all of that. You cut back on your exercise. Your food intake level changes. And what used to be almost an afterthought becomes something you have to think about, every day.

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But sometimes reality can be eye opening. When you realize you’re built a certain way, it changes your focus. You realize you’re going to have to make smarter choices in your life with every year of your life.

I’ve been making a lot of changes in my life recently. And as I move forward, I’m more determined than ever to make healthy choices every step of the way.

This is who I am

What today’s media does is put other body types on display; body types that may or may not be anywhere close to achievable for you. The super thin, tall frames you see in the magazines may be forever out of reach. Maintaining your ideal weight starts with understanding what your ideal weight is … for you. Not for someone else. You can’t look like a runway model if your body isn’t built like that. But knowing who you are and what makes you feel your best, that is easier to maintain. This is who I am, and I’m going to keep me in my best condition.

This is the exercise best for me

Exercise comes in many different formats. You can play hard outside or play equally hard in the gym. You can test yourself or be a part of a group. There are exercises you like, and things you hate. There are also exercises you know work well for you, even if you don’t enjoy them as much as you could. When you realize you’re playing to keep your body in its best physical condition, something changes. You’re more willing to push yourself to be the best you can be.

This makes me feel good

What’s pushed me many times to get off the couch is knowing how I’ll feel after a routine. Even going for a walk in the fresh air can completely change your mindset. Exercise does that. Eating right does that too. When you want to feel your best, be happier, be healthier, it encourages you to make better choices. And when you know the alternative is lurking out there, sometimes it’s all you need to say yes to what you know is best.

This is what I need

Right now, the world is changing quickly with advanced technology. We can take tests to find out our genetic makeup. We can use technology to monitor our daily condition. And all of this is changing every day. To create the best you, it takes skill and knowledge to be sure you’re doing all you can. And that doesn’t just happen naturally. Taking charge means reading lots of different articles about nutrition, exercise, weight training, and so on, weeding out what makes sense and what doesn’t to create your own plan of action. When you have your own internal concrete plan that you trust, it helps you stick with it every day.

What are you doing to maintain your weight?